Sunday, December 26, 2010

My wonderful life

Was the day after Christmas, and all through the house,a bundle of wrapping paper chewed up by a mouse. The stocking were down and candy everywhere. I just sat down for a cup of jo. Then what do you know,three little kids come running at me,saying"Ho,Ho,Ho!" I knew the peace was over, so to the kitchen, I ran. Grabbed my frying pan to feed the little monsters.

I cooked yet again and fed them all. Handy Mandy tools,kitchen wear and playdough to boot. I thought with all that a rest,I was sure to have. No it didn't pan out yet again. I was cooking with play dough and building with tools. I guess when your a Mom, no rest is to be found. Hubby fixing a leak,teenager still asleep! Three times I warmed my cup of Jo,now I try to drink it hot,but no go!

The day after Christmas and all back to normal. I wouldn't change it for the world! This is a wonderful life.

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