Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Christmas story

The stockings were hung on the railing with care. The tree was up with lights half strung. The blow up wouldn't blow and the bulbs had all burnt out. I sat with my wine and with thoughts of Oh crap, in my head! I can't get this done, why do I try? I just want to sip my wine and get by. So I sat for a while until the bottle was empty, then it came to me. I do have add oh my! Open ened projects thoughts soon forgotten. Can't sit still, so how will my Christmas ever get done? I don't know, but I am sure it will be fun!

With everything half done and a smile on my face, I settled down for a long winters nap. Me with my sleeping pill, Pop a snoring. While visions of chocolate bars danced, in the kids heads. A noise so loud it could awake the dead, I ran downstairs to see whats the matter. My family sleep like the dead, so for sure they were all still in their bed! My brave face on, what did I see but one big robber a taking my dam tree!

With my tired eyes and add in full action. I said awwww, take it all! It's half done anyway. So up in the am to Target I ran. Bought all new stuff and paid someone to decorate!! THE END

                                                 By: Sissie Ahn 11/30/2010

1 comment:

  1. Did someone seriously steal your tree??!!! OMG!! I hope this is just an imaginary roberry!!
    Beautiful picture by the way!!
